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Rating System

Five Star Scale

      Various drama watching sites use varying scales to help viewers determine the quality of a drama they plan to watch. On Viki, the system is ten star-based likewise my dramalist also uses a ten-star system. I find that this method leads to higher and sometimes confusing scores. A drama that I love and would highly recommend could get 10 stars, but what if there were a few parts that I didn't like? I would then be more inclined to give it or 7 stars even if I loved the show. Some of the users on these sites seem to be having the same issues because even if they give the drama 10 stars their written review will still contain several complaints. Even is a drama site wanted to do a review with

      I prefer to use an alphabet rating because I think it is easier to understand the level of quality. In school grades are also based on a system from A to F. A highest and F being the lowest. I will also use things like "plus and minus" to communicate the level of quality in a drama. 

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